Sea Surface Temperature (from GOES)

Data Usage Guidance/Restrictions

The operational data for this datatype is available to all registered CLASS users. Pre-operational data may be restricted to authorized users. To become an authorized user, send a request to the CLASS Help Desk.

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Dataset Name

Dataset Name - The name of the GOES-SST data set archived at CLASS. There are five different naming formats as below:

1. Data-Type_Year_Day_Hour with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details


Four or five characters identifying the data type. Recognized character groups are:
sst3 = GOES 3-hourly SST
sst1 = GOES Hourly SST
match1 = GOES Hourly SST Matchup

Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Hour e.g. 13, where "13" denotes 13 hours UTC (to the nearest hour) and represents the time at which spacecraft recording began.

2. Format for new GOESSST Data-Type_Data-Format_Year_Day_Hour.File-format with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details


Four or five characters identifying the data type. Recognized character groups are:
sst24 = GOES 24-hourly SST
sst3 = GOES 3-hourly SST
sst1 = GOES Hourly SST

Data-Format b as the next character represents Bayesian
o as the next character represents old format
Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Hour e.g. 13, where "13" denotes 13 hours UTC (to the nearest hour) and represents the time at which spacecraft recording began.
File-Format A fixed field of one character with the value "Z" denoting the compressed format of the file. Not applicable to sst24.

3. Data-Type_Data-Format_Spacecraft-Unique-ID_Year_Day_Hour.File-Format with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details


Four or five characters identifying the data type. Recognized character groups are:
sst24 = GOES 24-hourly SST
sst3 = GOES 3-hourly SST
sst1 = GOES Hourly SST

Data-Format b as the next character represents Bayesian
o as the next character represents old format
Spacecraft-Unique-ID E = East
W = West
Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Hour e.g. 13, where "13" denotes 13 hours UTC (to the nearest hour) and represents the time at which spacecraft recording began.
File-Format A fixed field of one character with the value "Z" denoting the compressed format of the file. Not applicable to sst24.

4. Data-Type_Year_Day_Hour_Data-Format.File Format with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details


Four or five characters identifying the data type. Recognized character groups are:
match=GOESSST Hourly Matchup

Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Hour e.g. 13, where "13" denotes 13 hours UTC (to the nearest hour) and represents the time at which spacecraft recording began.
Data-Format b.z - Bayesian or Binary
s.z - Short
File-Format A fixed field of one character with the value "Z" denoting the compressed format of the file.

5. Year_Day_Hour-Sequence-NumberCoastWatch-Region with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details
Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Hour-Sequence_Number Two characters identifying the sequence number of the hour when the data was recorded. The first character is always 3 and the second character is from 0 to 7, e.g. 30, 31, and so on.
CoastWatch_Region One character identifying the CoastWatch region to which this data applies. Valid characters are:
L = Great Lakes
E = Northeast
S = Southeast
W = West Coast
C = Caribbean
H = Hawaii
A = Alaska


Qualifier Details
Datatype Four or five characters identifying the data type. Recognized character groups are: gsst = GOES SST
Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the spacecraft began recording the data.
Product This is a three letter code indicating the type of product frt stands for Frontal
File-Format A fixed field of one character with the value "Z" denoting the compressed format of the file.

Dataset Names for Gridded SST fields from the Japanese geosynchronous satellite MTSAT data

Datatype: MT_SST1
sst1bJ_yyyy_ddd_hh.Z      (e.g. sst1bJ_2007_312_18.Z)  description:   hourly SST retrievals from MTSAT (Japanese geosynchronous),  with Bayesian cloud mask gridded to cylindrical projection array size - 2100 rows x 2000 columns;   grid resolution  0.05 deg x 0.5deg geographic coverage:   longitude  [80,180E],  lat [-45, +60]   (satellite is located near Japan)
sst1oJ_yyyy_ddd_hh.Z      (e.g. sst1oJ_2007_312_18.Z)  Screened SST.  Produced from 1b dataset (above)  In "old" format.  Contains screened SST retrievals only, with pixels labeled as cloudy when clud probability estimate is above threshhold value  (currently 5%).

Datatype: MT_SST3
sst3bJ_yyyy_ddd_hh.Z      (e.g. sst3bJ_2007_312_18.Z)  3-hour averaged SST,  observation times centered on nominal dataset time
sst3oJ_yyyy_ddd_hh.Z      (e.g. sst3oJ_2007_312_18.Z)  description:    Screened version of 3-hourly sst.

Datatype: MT_SST24
sst24bJ_yyyy_ddd.Z      (e.g. sst24bJ_2007_311.Z)  description:   24-hour averaged SST,   averaging all hourly datasets from the nominal day
sst24oJ_yyyy_ddd.Z      (e.g. sst3oJ_2007_311.Z)  description:    screened version

Datatype:  MT_MACH
matchJ_2007_312.18s.gz    - buoy data matchups "short", ascii version
matchJ_2007_312.19b.gz  - buoy data matchups, binary version, with additional parameters 

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Dataset Size

The size in bytes of the file to be delivered to the user.

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Data Source

Code with value GOSST used internally by CLASS to indicate the source of the data.

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The data types available for GOESSST are:

GOES CoastWatch Regional SST
GOES Hourly SST Matchup
GOES 3-hourly SST
GOES 24-hourly SST
GOES 3-hourly SST
GOES-SST Daily Frontal Product

The Gridded SST datatypes form the Japanese geosynchronous satellite MSAT

Datatype: MT_SST1
Datatype: MT_SST3
Datatype: MT_SST24
Datatype:  MT_MACH

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Inventory ID

A unique numerical ID assigned to the data set for CLASS inventory purposes.

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Identifies the CoastWatch region to which the GOES CoastWatch regional SST data is mapped. Only applicable to GOES CoastWatch regional SST data. Valid regions are:

Alaska CWALA
Northeast CWNOE
Caribbean CWCAR
Southeast CWSOE
West Coast CWWEC
Great Lakes CWGRL
Hawaii CWHAW

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Refers to the time span of interest to the user. This section of the search page allows the user to define the range of dates/times of interest.

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The UTC date and time corresponding to the beginning of the coverage of the given dataset. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff where fff is the fraction of a second in milliseconds.

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Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the international time standard. It is the current term for what was referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on the zero longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24 hour clock, therefore, afternoon hours such as 4 pm UTC are expressed as 16:00 UTC (sixteen hours, zero minutes).

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