National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce


Data Description

    GOES-R Series ABI Products GRABIPRD (partially restricted L1b and L2+ Data Products) - The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) is the primary instrument in the GOES-R Series for imaging Earth's weather, oceans, and environment. The ABI views the Earth with 16 different spectral bands compared to five on the previous generation GOES imagers. The ABI includes two visible channels, four near-infrared channels, and ten infrared channels, providing three times more spectral information, four times greater spatial resolution, and more than five times temporal coverage. This ABI data family includes the Level 1b Radiance data, Level 2 Cloud/Moisture Imagery, and several other Level 2 derived products. Product details (Readme's, maturity status) can be found at The archived products are distributed in the netCDF-4 file format with metadata attributes included. Further information and details can be found in the "Details - Metadata, Documentation" section below. Individual product (Datatype) description, documentation, and possible bulk access options are available under the "Product Details" link.

Details - Metadata, Documentation


    1/6/2025 - The GOES-19 ABI L1b radiance data and the ABI L2 Cloud & Moisture Imagery (CMI) products have been declared Provisional Validation maturity on December 20, 2024.

    11/23/2022 - In addition to GOES-18 L1b Radiance and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products, a majority of the Level 2 products are now available from GOES-18. For details on data maturity, data quality, and public start dates please go to and click on the Product Details tab.

    9/29/2022 - The GOES-18 ABI L2 Clear Sky Mask (Cloud Mask) has been declared Provisional Validation maturity on September 28, 2022. The product is searchable under the Product Type box. Public access to the earlier Beta data starts on May 11, 2022.

    7/28/2022 - The GOES-18 ABI L1b radiance data and the ABI L2 Cloud & Moisture Imagery (CMI) products have been declared Provisional Validation maturity on July 28, 2022. These two products are searchable under the first two datatypes listed below. Public access to the data starts on May 11, 2022.

    Readmes for these products describing the level of product maturity are located at For any questions please contact the CLASS Help Desk.

    Please note that CLASS does not support geographic subsetting for this group of datatypes. Using the spatial search tool will find files which include part or all of the area within the user defined area; however, the full extent of the original data will be delivered.

    Product Documentation is available at

    5/22/2019 - Many of the GOES-17 Level 2 products have reached Provisional Validation and are now available from CLASS. Readmes for these products describing the level of product maturity are located at For any questions please contact the CLASS Help Desk.

    2/12/2019 - GOES-17 became the operational GOES-West satellite on February 12, 2019. The GOES-17 ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are available from CLASS since August 27, 2018. Be sure to note the product maturity described in the Readme files located at The remainder of the GOES-17 ABI Level 2+ products will remain restricted through at least March 2019.



(maximum range is 366 days)

Start Date
(format: YYYY-MM-DD)

Start DateStart Time (UTC)
(format: HH:MM:SS)

End Date
(format: YYYY-MM-DD)
End DateStart to EndEnd Time (UTC)
(format: HH:MM:SS)
Specify the range of the times for: Each Day Or The Entire Range Of Days

Advanced Search

ABI L1b Radiances Data
ABI L2+ Cloud & Moisture Imagery Data
ABI L2+ Product Data (Select Product Type)

Product Type


ABI Channel

ABI Scan Sector

to place large order without reviewing inventory or granule (file) metadata.
to place small order after reviewing inventory and granule metadata, including browse images when available.