National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce


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Attention JPSS Users! (2/4/2025):

S-NPP ATMS returned to operations: All S-NPP ATMS data meet mission specifications and are suitable for operational use, effective 0000 UTC Jan. 31, 2025.

Previous ESPC Notification:The ATMS instrument on the S-NPP satellite was placed in Safe Hold at 1630 UTC on November 19, 2024 and will be offline until further notice. CLASS has restricted the forward stream of ATMS data and products effective 11/19/2024. For complete details on the outage, please see the ESPC Notification.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2025-02-05 14:19:53

Attention CLASS Users! GOES-19 ABI data is now available. (1/28/2025):

GOES-19 ABI L1b radiance data and ABI L2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery (CMI) products have been declared Provisional Validation maturity and are now available under the GOES-R Series ABI Products search page. Many more GOES-19 products will achieve Provisional Validation in the coming weeks.

Published:   2025-01-28 14:35:21

Attention JASON-3 Users! (1/7/2025):

Jason-3 will change its orbit to join Sentinel6-MF for a new tandem phase. A series of maneuvers will be executed, beginning January 7, 2025, ending by the end of January or early February 2025, depending on efficiency of preceding maneuvers. During the move, Poseidon3B will be put in standby mode, so there will be no mission and no data.

For complete details on the outage, please see the ESPC Notification.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2025-01-07 15:55:24

Attention JPSS Users! (12/4/2024):

The ATMS instrument on the S-NPP satellite was placed in Safe Hold at 1630 UTC on November 19, 2024 and will be offline until further notice. CLASS has restricted the forward stream of ATMS data and products effective 11/19/2024. For complete details on the outage, please see the ESPC Notification.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-12-05 13:22:46

Attention JPSS Users! (11/12/2024):

Operations recovered the S-NPP spacecraft to a valid geolocation state at ~17:20 UTC on November 6, 2024. The forward ingest stream has been set to unrestricted in CLASS on 11/8/24 by 21:30 UTC. Data from 11/2/24 2215 UTC through 11/6/24 17:20 UTC will not be available.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-11-12 16:10:34

Attention JPSS Users! (11/6/2024):

Starting around 2215 UTC on November 2, 2024, S-NPP's geolocation capabilities entered into a degraded state

S-NPP products are currently unavailable in CLASS for data beginning 2215 UTC on November 2, 2024

Please see ESPC Notification for details

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-11-06 17:38:11

Attention JPSS Users! (10/2/2024):

Geolocation for the S-NPP spacecraft entered a degraded state starting with the observation time of 2244 UTC on September 24, 2024. Operations was able to recover the S-NPP spacecraft to a valid geolocation state at 1634 UTC on September 27, 2024. Cal/Val teams have confirmed that all S-NPP Science products are meeting mission specifications and ready for operational use.

All S-NPP Science products were enabled on PDA OPS after 1930 UTC on September 30, 2024 and are being ingested by CLASS.

Please click here for details of the event.

Published:   2024-10-03 14:04:55

Attention JPSS Users! (09/26/2024):

Geolocation for the S-NPP spacecraft entered a degraded state starting with the observation time of 2244 UTC on September 24, 2024. Spacecraft recovery activities are tentatively planned to be executed on Friday, September 27, 2024. Data assessment by Cal/Val teams will follow to ensure S-NPP products are meeting mission specifications.

CLASS will restrict the forward stream of all S-NPP science data from 2242 UTC on 9/24 until further updates from the provider.

NOAA-20 and NOAA-21 products continue to be available.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-09-27 13:29:03

Attention DMSP Users! (09/23/2024):

FNMOC has been sending all DMSP EDR, SDR, and TDR products since late 9/18/24 to ESPC and PDA is distributing. TDUP products started flowing 9/23/24. The data from the outage 9/11/24 to 9/18/24 is considered lost.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-09-23 14:30:43

Attention DMSP Users! (09/17/2024):

Beginning September 11, 2024 at 1955 UTC, ESPC stopped receiving all DMSP data from FNMOC. FNMOC reports problems at the site. An investigation is underway, and data is currently delayed.

You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-09-17 17:32:04

Attention JPSS Users! (08/7/2024):
  • Starting on July 24 at ~0630 UTC, Stored Mission Data (SMD) ceased to be received from the S-NPP satellite
  • S-NPP products began to be restored to operational status on July 25, 2024 continuing through August 2, 2024
  • Products are available in CLASS for the date July 30, 2024 ~2015 UTC observation time except OMPS which is available for the date August 8, 2024 ~1913 UTC .
  • The S-NPP data from July 24, 2024 ~0630 UTC - July 29, 2024 UTC will not be recoverable.
  • Please see ESPC Notification for details
  • You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-08-13 18:38:52

Attention JPSS Users! (08/7/2024):
  • Starting on July 24 at ~0630 UTC, Stored Mission Data (SMD) ceased to be received from the S-NPP satellite
  • S-NPP products began to be restored to operational status on July 25, 2024 continuing through August 2, 2024
  • Products are available in CLASS for the date July 30, 2024 ~2015 UTC observation time except OMPS which is available for the date August 8, 2024 ~1913 UTC .
  • The S-NPP data from July 24, 2024 ~0630 UTC - July 30, 2024 UTC will not be recoverable.
  • Please see ESPC Notification for details
  • You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-08-07 15:31:43

Attention JPSS Users! (07/24/2024):
  • Starting on July 24 at ~0630 UTC, Stored Mission Data (SMD) ceased to be received from the S-NPP satellite
  • S-NPP is in Safe Hold until further notice. S-NPP data sent to CLASS has been ingested as restricted and is unavailable.
  • Please see ESPC Notification for details
  • You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-07-25 13:55:46

Attention JPSS Users! (07/19/2024):

Satellite Operations was able to recover the S-NPP spacecraft to a valid GPS timing and geolocation state and S-NPP Science products have been enabled per Cal/Val teams. Products are available in CLASS as of July 18, 2024 ~1630 UTC observation time.

The S-NPP data from 7/9/24-7/18/24 16:30 UTC will not be recoverable.

Please click here for the details of the event.

If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.
Published:   2024-07-19 17:06:35

Attention JPSS Users! (07/17/2024):
  • Starting on July 09 at ~2146Z , the GPS receiver on the S-NPP spacecraft toggled to invalid causing the geolocation of all observed data to be inaccurate and out of the mission specifications. As a result, any S-NPP data sent to CLASS has been ingested as restricted. PDA data subscriptions to CLASS for NDE/NCCF products which utilize S-NPP input data were paused by the provider at 1630Z on July 10, 2024.
  • Thus far, spacecraft recovery activities have not resolved the degradation of the S-NPP science products seen following the anomaly. Engineering is working with the spacecraft vendor to develop a plan for a path forward.
  • The NOAA-21 and NOAA-20 satellites will continue to provide JPSS science data needs as the primary and secondary satellites, respectively.
  • You may request to be added to the ESPC notification email list to receive satellite updates by contacting

Published:   2024-07-18 15:05:17

Attention JPSS Users! (07/09/2024):
  • Starting in January 27, 2025, for all JPSS satellites (S-NPP, NOAA-20, and NOAA-21), the VIIRS SDR data will be associated with and delivered with the VIIRS Terrain-Corrected Geolocation instead of the VIIRS Ellipsoid Geolocation.
  • Updated ESPC Notice:
  • Historical VIIRS SDRs will continue to be associated with and delivered with the Ellipsoid Geolocation.
  • However, only for S-NPP, the VIIRS Ellipsoid Geolocation (GMODO) will remain orderable separately, just not associated with and delivered with theS-NPP VIIRS SDR data. GMODO will not be available from NOAA-20 or NOAA-21.
  • The VIIRS Day-Night Band SDR will continue to be associated with and delivered with the VIIRS Day-Night Band Geolocation.
  • VIIRS IPs and EDRs will not be affected by the VIIRS SDR geolocation change.

Published:   2024-07-08 17:56:55


On 3/27/23 CLASS will be changing its url from to . Please make a note of this change. A redirect page will be in place for sometime to the new url. will still work and redirect to the correct CLASS url website.

If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.

Published:   2024-03-22 17:47:36

Important Update: Changes to CLASS URLs (03/28/2024):

The new CLASS website and dissemination URLs are now active and the legacy URLs are no longer valid, except the old CLASS website URL will redirect users to the new URL for some time. See changes below.

Defunct ftp links New ftp links (JPSS TAR files) (Case sensitive) (ad hoc orders) (subscriptions)

The new ftp login user id changed from "anonymous" to "ftp" followed by any set of password characters defined by the user. These changes are in accordance with the transfer rules established within the AWS Transfer Family.

Defunct https links New https links (JPSS TAR files) (Case sensitive) (ad hoc orders) (subscriptions)
Old CLASS website URL New CLASS website URL

Note: will continue to work

If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.

Published:   2024-01-24 20:01:47

Attention JPSS Users! (01/24/2024):
  • Starting in July 2024, for all JPSS satellites (S-NPP, NOAA-20, and NOAA-21), the VIIRS SDR data will be associated with and delivered with the VIIRS Terrain-Corrected Geolocation instead of the VIIRS Ellipsoid Geolocation.
  • Historical VIIRS SDRs will continue to be associated with and delivered with the Ellipsoid Geolocation.
  • However, only for S-NPP, the VIIRS Ellipsoid Geolocation (GMODO) will remain orderable separately, just not associated with and delivered with theS-NPP VIIRS SDR data. GMODO will not be available from NOAA-20 or NOAA-21.
  • The VIIRS Day-Night Band SDR will continue to be associated with and delivered with the VIIRS Day-Night Band Geolocation.
  • VIIRS IPs and EDRs will not be affected by the VIIRS SDR geolocation change.

Published:   2024-01-24 15:17:44

Attention JPSS Data Users! (updated on 10/19/2023):

Now available! The reprocessed Sensor Data Records (SDR) for all instruments flown on S-NPP and reprocessed Temperature Data Records (TDR) for the ATMS instrument flown on S-NPP is now accessible via the CLASS web ordering system. The reprocessed data is located under their own data families listed on the drop down product menu. The date range which covers the reprocessing period for each instrument is:

  • ATMS SDR/TDR (2011-11-08 - 2019-10-15) - The complete record is available under RPATMSSDR and RPATMSTDR
  • CrIS SDR (2012-02-20 - 2020-01-29) - The complete record is available under RPCRISSDR
  • OMPS SDR (2012-01-30 - 2020-05-30) - The complete record is available under RPOMPSSDR
  • VIIRS SDR (2012-01-02 - 2020-04-30) - The complete record is available under RPVIIRSSDR

The operational data received after the reprocessed date ranges uses the latest version of the reprocessing algorithm.

Published:   2023-10-19 18:01:29

Attention JPSS Users! (10/13/2023):

  • Please note that in Spring of 2024 (TBD) all operational VIIRS Imagery Ellipsoid geolocation will be discontinued, except for the S-NPP (TBC) Ellipsoid geolocation for VIIRS M-Band imagery.
  • The VIIRS SDR data going forward will be automatically packaged with Terrain Corrected Geolocation, while prior imagery data will be associated with Ellipsoid geolocation.

Published:   2023-10-13 13:52:07

Attention JPSS Users! (Updated 10/10/2023):

Please note that data products from the NOAA-20 satellite should not be considered of operational maturity due to an anomaly over the weekend. The specific time periods that the data should not be considered operational is detailed below:

  • CERES: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/02/2023 17:00 UTC
  • CrIS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/04/2023 00:00 UTC
  • OMPS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/06/2023 19:00 UTC
  • ATMS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/01/2023 20:45 UTC
  • VIIRS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/01/2023 20:45 UTC

Published:   2023-10-10 18:11:24

Attention JPSS Users! (10/05/2023):

Please note that data products from the NOAA-20 satellite should not be considered of operational maturity due to an anomaly over the weekend. The specific time periods that the data should not be considered operational is detailed below:

  • CERES: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/02/2023 17:00 UTC
  • CrIS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/04/2023 00:00 UTC
  • OMPS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to present
  • ATMS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/01/2023 20:45 UTC
  • VIIRS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/01/2023 20:45 UTC

Published:   2023-10-05 19:19:26

Attention JPSS Users! (10/03/2023):

Please note that data products from the NOAA-20 satellite should not be considered of operational maturity due to an anomaly over the weekend. The specific time periods that the data should not be considered operational is detailed below:

  • CERES: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/02/2023 17:00 UTC
  • CrIS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to present
  • OMPS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to present
  • ATMS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/01/2023 20:45 UTC
  • VIIRS: 09/29/2023 19:00 UTC to 10/01/2023 20:45 UTC

Published:   2023-10-04 18:34:04

Attention JPSS Users! (6/30/2023):
JPSS data was delayed due to a hardware issue. The delay was from 6/28/23 1445Z (10:45 AM) ET to 6/29/23 2000Z (4:00 PM ET). The data backlog is processing and should complete sometime 6/30/23.
Published:   2023-06-30 19:48:34

Attention JPSS Users. Start dates and times of NOAA-21 products now available to the public. (4/20/2023):
  • ATMS Sensor Data Record: Dec 3, 2022 @23:49:55 UTC
  • ATMS Temperature Data Record: Dec 3, 2022 @23:49:55 UTC
  • CrIS Sensor Data Record Mar 23, 2023 @19:09:30 UTC
  • VIIRS Sensor Data Record Mar 30, 2023 @00:10 UTC
  • VIIRS Imagery Environmental Data Record: Mar 30, 2023 @00:10 UTC

For easy access to the most recent JPSS global daily tar files please go to or

Also, be sure to review the maturity Readmes for any data issues and caveats on the STAR JPSS Algorithm Maturity Matrix website at

Published:   2023-04-20 18:42:57

Attention GOES Users! (4/20/2023):
GOES-18 has been declared as the Operational GOES-West satellite since 1800 UTC, January 4, 2023 replacing GOES-17. See data and products under the GOES-R Series Families on the drop down list.
Published:   2023-04-20 17:37:14

Attention GOES Users! (1/4/2023):
GOES-18 has been declared as the Operational GOES-West satellite since 1800 UTC, January 4, 2023. In the meantime, GOES-17 will continue to operate and send data to its users and to CLASS to be archived until January 10, 2023, after which preparations for drift to final storage position will begin.
Published:   2023-01-04 17:37:14

Attention JPSS Users. Start dates of NOAA-21 products now available to the public. (12/20/2022):

For easy access to the most recent JPSS global daily tar files please go to or

Published:   2022-12-20 18:42:57

Attention CLASS Users! (12/14/2022):

CLASS has implemented HTTPS for CLASS JPSS and Directory Dissemination Tree (DDT) cached data as a mechanism to download data for JPSS cache and DDT cache.

For the JPSS cache,

For the DDT cache,

Please contact the CLASS Help Desk if you have any questions.
Published:   2022-12-15 17:12:54

Attention GOES Users! (11/23/2022):
In addition to GOES-18 L1b Radiance and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products, a majority of the Level 2 products are now available from GOES-18. For details on data maturity, data quality, and public start dates please go to and click on the Product Details tab. Please contact the CLASS Help Desk if you have any questions.
Published:   2022-11-23 20:56:21

Attention GOES Users! (9/12/2022):
On September 13, 2022, there will be an outage of GOES-16/17/18 level 1b and L2+ data delivered to CLASS and cloud partners for 10 hours from 1100 to 2100 UTC. GOES-R ground system upgrades to an Oracle database and NFS (network file system) as part of EI (enterprise infrastructure) build 24.01.00, requires data operations to go offline during the upgrade. The data will not be recoverable after the maintenance has completed. This software patch/upgrade will be postponed if a Critical Weather Day (CWD) is declared. Please contact the CLASS Help Desk if you have any questions.
Published:   2022-09-13 13:57:54

Attention JPSS Users! (update #1 - 9/1/2022):

The S-NPP ATMS SDR, TDR, and Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MiRS) EDRs are approved to return to operations starting on September 1, 2022 @ 1900 UTC. Please note that the gap from August 28 @ ~10:45 UTC to Sept 1 @ ~1900 UTC cannot be filled.

Published:   2022-09-01 21:25:18

Attention JPSS Users! (8/31/22):

The S-NPP ATMS instrument returned to safe hold mode for the second time since August 28 @ ~10:45 UTC. Engineering is troubleshooting with vendor support and recovery efforts are now underway. Science data activation is expected to occur soon. All missed data will not be recoverable. The ATMS instrument on the NOAA-20 Spacecraft will continue to provide all primary ATMS product needs.

Published:   2022-09-01 20:56:21

Attention JPSS Users! (8/31/22):

The S-NPP ATMS instrument returned to safe hold mode for the second time since August 28 @ ~10:45 UTC. Engineering is troubleshooting with vendor support and recovery efforts are now underway. Science data activation is expected to occur soon. All missed data will not be recoverable. The ATMS instrument on the NOAA-20 Spacecraft will continue to provide all primary ATMS product needs.

Published:   2022-09-01 14:43:27

Attention JPSS Data Users! (update #4 - 8/31/2022):

The S-NPP OMPS instrument suite is the latest instrument to return to nominal operations. Below are the returning start dates and times.

ATMS: August 10, 2022 @ 1525 UTC
CrIS: August 13, 2022 @ 0000 UTC
VIIRS: August 15, 2022 @ 0000 UTC
OMPS: August 18, 2022 @ 17:20 UTC for Total Column Science SDR and August 25 @ 19:15 UTC for Nadar Profile Science SDR.

Please note! No data was produced by the S-NPP during the time the satellite was in safe mode state from 16:25 UTC on July 26, 2022 up until the dates and times listed above.

To receive notifications from ESPC concerning S-NPP data, please send an email request to Otherwise, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk for assistance.

Published:   2022-08-31 18:31:03

Attention JPSS Data Users! (update #3 - 8/19/2022):

In addition to the S-NPP ATMS and CrIS instrument data and products returning to operations, the VIIRS instrument data is now available. The OMPS instrument data is still undergoing evaluations. Below are the returning start dates and times for the three instruments.

ATMS: August 10, 2022 @1525 UTC
CrIS: August 13, 2022 @ 0000 UTC
VIIRS: August 15, 2022 @ 0000 UTC

No data was produced during the time the S-NPP satellite was in safe mode state from 16:25 UTC on July 26, 2022 up until the dates and times listed above.

To receive notifications from ESPC concerning S-NPP data, please send an email request to Otherwise, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk for assistance.

Published:   2022-08-19 00:00:00

Attention JPSS Data Users! (update #2 - 8/17/2022):

As of 2130 UTC, August 16, 2022, the ATMS SDR/TDR and CrIS SDR products from S-NPP are now available to the public. EDR products from the ATMS and CrIS instruments have also resumed.

The science teams are still evaluating the VIIRS and OMPS data from the S-NPP satellite. Once the data analyses are complete and the data appears nominal the data and its products will become available to the public.

To receive notifications from ESPC concerning S-NPP data, please send an email request to

Otherwise, if you have any questions, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk.

Published:   2022-08-17 00:00:00

Attention JPSS Data Users! (updated: 8/11/2022):

S-NPP instrument science data activation activities began on August 10. All thermal and power systems on the S-NPP spacecraft remain nominal. The Cal/Val teams are focusing their analysis on observed data now coming in from the satellite. This science data will only be available to the Cal/Val teams and PALs. Once the data analyses are complete and the data appears nominal the data and its products will become available to the public.

To receive notifications from ESPC concerning S-NPP data, please send an email request to

Otherwise, if you have any questions, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk.

Published:   2022-08-11 00:00:00

Attention JPSS Data Users! (7/28/2022):

The SNPP spacecraft entered a non-nominal state at around 16:25 UTC on July 26, 2022, after which all SMD and telemetry data was inaccessible. While the root cause continues to be investigated, subsequent contacts have confirmed the spacecraft and all instruments are currently in a safe mode state. Engineering will continue to restore all instruments and science data to an operational state once a plan forward has been determined.

All missed data will not be recoverable and all of the products dependent on SNPP instruments will not be produced. However, the NOAA-20 spacecraft will continue to provide all of the primary JPSS science data needs.

An update to this situation will be provided as soon as we learn more.

To receive notifications from ESPC concerning S-NPP data, please send an email request to

Published:   2022-07-28 00:00:00

Attention CLASS Users! GOES-18 ABI data is now available. (7/28/2022):

GOES-18 ABI L1b radiance data and ABI L2 Cloud and Moisture Imagery (CMI) products have been declared Provisional Validation maturity and are now available under the GOES-R Series ABI Products search page

Published:   2022-07-28 00:00:00

Attention JPSS Users. The cache will be reduced from 90 days to 60 days (7/26/2022):

The CLASS ftp storage area that contains a 90-day rolling cache of tarred JPSS products will be reduced to 60 days starting on 8/26/2022 and completing on 9/1/2022! If you need more information or have any questions, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk.

Published:   2022-07-25 00:00:00

Attention CLASS Users! (07/21/2022):
CLASS has begun receiving three new VIIRS Flood Map products on July 21, 2022. These are the 1-Day and 5-Day Gridded Composites located under the River and Surface Flood Map Products search page. The third product is the VIIRS Global Flood Map product located under the JPSS VIIRS Products (JPSS_GRAN) search page. The products are in netCDF-4 format. Please contact the CLASS Helpdesk if you have any questions.
Published:   2022-07-21 00:00:00

Attention CLASS Users! (updated on 7/12/2022):

CLASS orders may be delayed up to 9 hours on Tuesday, 7/12/22 and Wednesday, 7/13/22 due to maintenance.

If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to the CLASS Help Desk.

Published:   2022-07-12 00:00:00

Attention NOAA-20 CrIS SDR and NUCAP OLR Users! (3/16/2022):
A NOAA-20 CrIS scan baffle temperature anomaly has triggered the quality flags on the CrIS SDR and NUCAPS OLR products to be set as 'degraded' condition, when in reality, the data is still good. While the CrIS team is working on the changes to fix it, we advise users to ignore those flags and consider the data as good data. For further details please see:
Published:   2022-03-16 19:48:00

Attention JPSS Data Users! (updated on 3/16/2022):
CLASS is now receiving reprocessed Sensor Data Records (SDR) for all instruments flown on S-NPP and reprocessed Temperature Data Records (TDR) for the ATMS instrument flown on S-NPP. The date range which covers the reprocessing period for each instrument is:
  • *ATMS SDR/TDR (2011-11-08 - 2019-10-15) - The complete record is now available under RPATMSSDR and RPATMSTDR (01/31/2022)
  • *CrIS SDR (2012-02-20 - 2020-01-29) - The complete record is now available under RPCRISSDR (03/11/2022)
  • *OMPS SDR (2012-01-30 - 2020-05-30) - The complete record is now available under RPOMPSSDR (03/16/2022)
  • *VIIRS SDR (2012-01-02 - 2020-04-30)

At an ingest rate of 3TB per/day the completion date is estimated for June 2023. The VIIRS data is the largest volume by far and will be the last to ingest. Users can download the global data files from the ftp server at under the STAR subfolder. The data will remain on the server for about 85 days. Searches for regional data on the individual search pages will remain disabled until the data are 100% available. Please contact the CLASS Helpdesk for details.
Published:   2021-12-02 18:41:00

Attention! Gap in JPSS SNPP Data. (08/05/2021):
Beginning on August 3, 2021 @12:46 UTC, the SNPP satellite was placed into Safe Mode shortly after it lost mission pointing capability. As a result, no data was flowing from the satellite. A little after 24 hours, the ATMS, CERES, and OMPS instruments were recovered. The VIIRS instrument was recovered soon afterwards at 1600 UTC on August 4. Please note that the VIIRS instrument will undergo tuning and product quality checks for at least a couple of days. Please use the data with caution. If you have any questions, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk.
Published:   2021-08-05 20:20:40

Attention GOES users! (08/05/2021):
To support GOES-17 operations, NESDIS has returned GOES-15 Imager to temporary service coverage. CLASS began receiving GOES-15 data on August 4, 2021 at 1600 UTC and will continue receiving data through November 5, 2021,1600 UTC, under routine scan schedule. If you have any questions, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk.
Published:   2021-08-05 20:20:40

Attention ALL CLASS Users! (02/26/2021):
Beginning March 3, 2021, CLASS will implement a mechanism to ensure that your orders continue to be processed in a timely fashion. In order to do this CLASS will accept up to a maximum of 25 orders per 24 hour period in order to prohibit excessive numbers of orders placed by those very few users. Also, CLASS will continue to increase the allowed file count limits on those datasets containing high daily counts of files. If you have a need to place more than 25 orders per day or have any questions, please contact CLASS Helpdesk. Thank you.
Published:   2021-02-25 18:41:00

Attention ALL CLASS Users! (12/23/2020):
The following web browsers, Firefox and Chrome, will no longer support ftp download after January 1, 2021. IE will support ftp through August, 2021. Please consider using Filezilla ( or Winscp ( If you have any questions, please contact the CLASS Helpdesk.
Published:   2020-12-23 21:10:00

Attention ALL CLASS Users! (11/30/2020):
The CLASS Boulder, CO web site and order processing will be deferred to the CLASS Asheville, NC site beginning on 12/1/20. We recommend bookmarking the URL: However, for the time being users going to will be redirected to

As mentioned earlier, all orders placed after 11/30/20 will be processed and delivered from CLASS Asheville ftp site at In the interim, any orders delivered to the Boulder site at will remain until the data expires.

Contact the CLASS Helpdesk for any questions.
Published:   2020-11-30 19:50:00

Attention JPSS Data users! (11/18/2020):
The URL: - where the most recent 90 days of daily JPSS products were hosted, will be retired on December 31, 2020. No new data will be written to the site after December 1, 2020. The replacement URL is, which now contains data since October 15, 2020. Please start using the new site as soon as feasible. Contact the CLASS Helpdesk for any questions.
Published:   2020-11-18 15:00:00

Attention JPSS Users! (6/18/20):
A number of legacy products generated since the launch of S-NPP have been replaced by the higher quality NOAA Enterprise products. CLASS has been receiving these newer products for over two years now. CLASS will no longer be receiving these legacy products after June 24, 2020. Please refer to the table here for a listing of legacy products and corresponding newer products. Please contact the CLASS Helpdesk with any questions or concerns.
Published:   2020-06-18 20:18:39

Attention: Metop-B HIRS Users! (06/02/2020):
Beginning May 27, 2020 @ 2240 UTC, an anomaly affecting the HIRS instrument on board Metop-B is affecting the quality of the L1B and the L2 products using HIRS as input. While the data is still being sent to and archived in CLASS, it is advised that the data should not be used until further notice.
Published:   2020-06-02 16:37:09

Attention GOES-R users! (5/22/2020):
GOES-R series INST-CAL files are missing for the following dates: 02/22/20 to 04/02/20 and 04/14/20 to current. Nominal conditions of the return flow of the data has not been determined at this time. Contact the CLASS Helpdesk for any questions.
Published:   2020-05-22 16:20:09

Please read important message below! (1/16/2020):
CLASS is undergoing extended maintenance, which has resulted in a delay of the current data being processed into the archive for search and access via subscriptions or ad hoc orders. Users may find gaps in the current data archive beginning around January 12, 2020. Rest assured that we do expect this maintenance to conclude soon. However, it will take several days for CLASS to fully catch-up in populating its inventories assuming normal processing. We apologize for any inconvenience this delay is causing.
Published:   2020-01-16 10:00:00

Attention AVHRR data users! (8/27/2019):
Beginning on August 27, 2019, the POES LAC data production for all satellites has been terminated. For CLASS, this means we will no longer be ingesting AVHRR_LAC (e.g. NSS.LHRR.NP.*.XX) legacy data from our data provider. Please contact the CLASS Helpdesk if you have any questions or need assistance selecting similar products from CLASS.
Published:   2019-08-28 18:30:00

More Product Releases for GOES-17 (8/5/2019):
The majority of GOES-17 ABI L2+ Products have reached Provisional Validation maturity. These data are available to the public along with the older data at Beta maturity. It is important to know the maturity level of each product you order by referring to the Readmes located at to fully understand the quality and limitations of each product.

These products are grouped together with the ABI Level 1b and L2 Cloud and Moisture Products under the GOES-R Series ABI Products GRABIPRD CLASS search page.

For GOES-17 ABI performance issues go to

Most of GOES-16 products are at Provisional Maturity with Full Maturity (highest quality level) given for ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products.
Published:   2019-08-05 13:22:51

CLASS Website Notification (5/24/2019):
CLASS is currently experiencing an issue with some browsers being able to access the site. CLASS is working to resolve the issue. User orders can still be downloaded using the FTP site during this time.
Published:   2019-05-24 21:00:00

More Product Releases for GOES-17 (5/23/2019):
A number of additional GOES-17 ABI L2+ products have been declared Provisional validation maturity by the Peer Stakeholder?Product Validation Review panel. These products are grouped together with the ABI Level 1b and L2 Cloud and Moisture Products under the GOES-R Series ABI Products GRABIPRD CLASS search page.

The remainder of the GOES-17 ABI Level 2+ products is scheduled to be released later this year.

For GOES-17 ABI performance issues go to

Most of GOES-16 products are at Provisional Maturity with Full Maturity (highest quality level) given for ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products.

Be sure to read the Readme files located at to fully understand the quality of each dataset.
Published:   2019-05-23 14:19:09

New Product Releases for GOES-17 (5/7/2019):
The GOES-17 ABI L2+ Clear Sky Mask, Cloud Phase & Type, and Cloud Top Properties (Temperature, Pressure, Height) have all been declared Provisional validation maturity by the Peer Stakeholder?Product Validation. Review panel met on May 6, 2019. These products are grouped together with the ABI Level 1b and L2 Cloud and Moisture Products under the GOES-R Series ABI Products GRABIPRD CLASS search page.

The remainder of the GOES-17 ABI Level 2+ products is scheduled to be released later this year.

For GOES-17 ABI performance issues go to

Most of GOES-16 products are at Provisional Maturity with Full Maturity (highest quality level) given for ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products.

Be sure to read the Readme files located at to fully understand the quality of each dataset.
Published:   2019-05-07 16:56:24

GOES-17 is now the Operational GOES-West Satellite (2/12/2019):
GOES-17 went into operations on February 12, 2019 at 1800 UTC. GOES-17 and GOES-15 will operate in tandem from their respective locations of 137.2 degrees west and 128.0 degrees west through early July 2019.

The GOES-17 ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are available to order from August 27, 2018 to current. Be sure to note the product maturity described in the Readme files located at and ABI performance issues at

The remainder of the GOES-17 ABI Level 2+ products will be released later this year.

For GOES-16, the majority of the products are now at Provisional Maturity with Full Maturity (highest quality level) reached for the Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products. All ABI products, as well as, the L1B radiance data, are found under the GRABIPRD data family.

For complete details on product maturity, maturity dates, and access start dates please see
Published:   2019-02-12 18:10:28

Attention CLASS users (12/14/2018):
CLASS at Boulder will be off-line for maintenance from January 8 to 9, 2019. The following services will be affected:
1.) Access to will not be available.
2.) Access to subscriptions at will not be available.
3.) Ad hoc orders already delivered to will be moved to The CLASS team will coordinate with those affected.

All services will return to normal on January 10, 2019. If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.
Published:   2018-12-14 20:30:00

Current status of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI products (12/11/2018):
The GOES-17 ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are now available through CLASS. Please read the usage guidance submitted by the program office below.

NOAA's GOES-17 satellite has not been declared operational and its data are preliminary and undergoing testing. Users receiving these data through any dissemination means (including, but not limited to, PDA and GRB) assume all risk related to their use of GOES-17 data and NOAA disclaims any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including (without limitation) any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

The remainder of the GOES-17 ABI Level 2+ products will remain restricted through at least March 2019.

For GOES-16, the majority of the products are now at Provisional Maturity with Full Maturity (highest quality level) reached for the Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products. All ABI products, as well as, the L1B radiance data, are found under the GRABIPRD data family.

For complete details on product maturity, maturity dates, and access start dates please see
Published:   2018-12-11 20:21:28

Current status of GOES-16 and GOES-17 ABI products (10/30/2018):
The majority of GOES-16 ABI products are now at Provisional Maturity with Full Maturity (highest quality level) reached for the Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products. All ABI products, as well as, the L1B radiance data, are found under the GRABIPRD data family. For complete details on data maturity start dates and access start dates please see

GOES-17 ABI Level 1B Radiance data and Cloud and Moisture Imagery products are planned to be released before the end of 2018, which is around the time GOES-17 will become the operational GOES-West satellite. The remainder of the ABI Level 2+ products will remain restricted through at least March 2019.
Published:   2018-10-30 19:07:28

CLASS Confirmation Email Has Changed (10/18/18):
The format of the CLASS confirmation email for ad hoc orders and subscription orders was changed on 10/10/18. This change was implemented to prevent the possibility of CLASS sending an unreasonable number of emails to you. CLASS will now combine multiple order confirmation emails into one. This action has the potential of including both ad hoc and subscription orders in one notification. This will occur if more than ten orders are created within one minute. The subject line will contain a string of order and subscription numbers, while the body of the email will contain the information for each order. Unfortunately, some users running scripts dependent on information contained in the email may have been impacted by this change.

If you have questions or a request to disable this feature please contact the CLASS Help Desk.
Published:   2018-10-18 19:01:40

Check out the new GOES-16 ABI L2 products recently released! (3/8/2018):
A number of GOES-16 ABI Level 2 products are now available to the public. All ABI products, as well as the L1B radiance data, are found under the GRABIPRD data family. For complete details on data maturity start dates and access dates please go to Also, it is advised that users are aware of any of the data issues by clicking on the appropriate readme links provided. The remaining products will be released once CLASS receives the green light from the program office.

As you may know, GOES-17 was successfully launched on March 1, 2018! It will replace GOES-15, which is GOES-West, sometime this Fall. Data from GOES-17 will remain restricted until further notice.
Published:   2018-08-08 20:51:00

Attention JPSS Users. Start dates of NOAA-20 products now available to the public. (4/25/2018):

  • 12/08/2017 - ATMS SDR and TDR
  • 01/17/2018 - CrIS SDR
  • 02/01/2018 - VIIRS SDR
  • 02/01/2018 - VIIRS Imagery Bands

Data sets are available back to Beta Maturity. Be sure to review the readmes for any data issues and caveats on the STAR JPSS/SNPP Algorithm Maturity Matrix website at

For easy access to the most recent JPSS global daily tar files please go to

Published:   2018-04-25 13:20:30

****Attention CLASS Users! ACTION REQUIRED!!****:

Web and FTP URLs were changed! (06/07/2018):
CLASS made domain name changes that will break saved links:

  • On 5/24/2018, the CLASS Asheville URL changed
  • - from
  • - to

  • On 6/06/2018, the CLASS Boulder URL changed
  • - from
  • - to

Using the generic is best for all web services.

FTP addresses will be affected as well and must be changed:
  • - changed to on 6/05/2018
  • - changed to on 6/06/2018

Suomi NPP JPSS Satellite Revolving Anonymous FTP URL was changed:
  • - changed to on 6/06/2018

HTTP Download addresses will be affected and must be changed:
  • - changed to
  • on 5/24/2018
  • - changed to
  • on 6/06/2018

Important Notes:
  • - CLASS IP addresses are not changing
  • - The old URLs will remain accessible for at least 2 weeks

Published:   2018-04-19 14:05:30

Attention New CLASS Users! See tutorial on accessing data from CLASS (4/12/2018):

Please click on the following link to get step by step instructions on how to use CLASS to search and order data:

If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.
Published:   2018-04-12 14:05:30

The new NOAA-20 Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) data are now available (3/8/2018) :
The Sensor Data Records (ATMS_SDR) and Temperature Data Records (ATMS_TDR) have been declared Provisional Maturity on January 23, 2018. Data are available back to Beta Maturity on December 8, 2017. Be sure to review the readmes for remaining data issues and caveats on the STAR JPSS/SNPP Algorithm Maturity Matrix website at

For easy access to the most recent JPSS global daily tar files please go to
Published:   2018-03-08 20:50:00

GOES-16 Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) Data Now Available (02/07/2018):
The GLM Level-2 products can now be ordered from CLASS under the Family name GOES-R Series GLM L2+ Data Product (GRGLMPROD). Please be sure to read the GLM data search page Notes section for details on product maturity levels, their timelines, and all documented issues found within the Readme files.

If you have any questions or need assistance please submit an email to CLASS Help Desk.
Published:   2018-02-07 20:29:30

Attention GOES-16 Data Users! (01/19/2018):

Datatype GLM-L2-LCFA data are publicly available on January 19, 2018. Data from January 19, 2018 to the present are at "provisional validation" level. Please see Readme for details.

For questions first check the FAQ, otherwise please contact CLASS Help Desk at

Product Documentation is available at
Categories:   NOAA, NES
Published:   2018-01-19 12:32:16

Attention GOES-16 and GOES-13 Data Users! (1/8/2018):
Since December 18, 2017, GOES-16 has replaced GOES-13 as the official GOES-East satellite. CLASS has received the final GOES-13 file at midday on January 8, 2018. The GOES-16 Advanced Baseline Imager data can be ordered from CLASS under the data family named "GOES-R Series ABI Products GRABIPRD (partially restricted L1b and L2+ Data Products)". Please contact the CLASS Helpdesk for any assistance at
Published:   2018-01-08 00:00:00

Attention GOES-16 and GOES-13 Data Users! (1/3/2018):
Beginning on December 18, GOES-16 replaced GOES-13 as the official GOES-East satellite. Data has resumed flowing into CLASS on December 14 at 1600 UTC. GOES-13 will be turned off on January 8, 2018, and data from the satellite will cease to be archived. The date was postponed from January 3 to January 8 due to the critical weather day declared by NOAA.
Published:   2018-01-03 00:00:00

Attention GOES-16 Data Users! (12/19/2017):

The GOES-R Peer Stakeholder - Dataype SEIS-L1b-MPSH Data are publicly available on December 16, 2017. Data from December 16, 2017 to the present are at "provisional validation" level. Please see Readme for details. Other SEISS datatypes will be available after the corresponding sensors reach Provisional maturity. While the GOES-16 L1b SEIS-L1b-MPSH data have reached provisional validation, please keep in mind that these products have not been fully validated.

Categories:   NOAA, NES
Published:   2017-12-19 12:32:16

Attention GOES-16 and GOES-13 Data Users! (12/28/2017):
Beginning on December 18, GOES-16 replaced GOES-13 as the official GOES-East satellite. Data has resumed flowing into CLASS on December 14 at 1600 UTC. GOES-13 will be turned off on January 3, 2018, and data from the satellite will cease to be archived.
Published:   2017-12-18 19:00:00

Attention GOES-16 Data Users! (12/01/2017):
GOES-16 data will be unavailable until approximately December 20, 2017 while the satellite drifts into the permanent operational East position. Another announcement will be posted as soon as we learn when the data will resume flowing into the archive.
Published:   2017-12-01 19:39:38

Attention JPSS Data Users! (11/20/2017):
The next in the series of NOAA Joint Polar Satellite Systems, JPSS-1, was successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on November 18. The newly launched satellite will be designated as NOAA-20.

NOAA-20 will orbit in the same plane as Suomi NPP, operating about 50 minutes ahead of Suomi NPP, allowing important overlap in observational coverage. While the suite of instruments on the new satellite undergo a thorough checkout, all data coming to CLASS will be restricted for a while. If you have any questions, please submit an email to
Published:   2017-11-20 17:27:00

Suomi NPP data access status (updated 09/27/17):

The newer JPSS products from the NOAA Enterprise System are now grouped with the rest of the JPSS data families. Several of the legacy products have been replaced by newer, higher quality products in the new JPSS data families.  These products are in C-F compliant netCDF format.  Below is a list of the new families now under JPSS.

JPSS Sounder Products (JPSS_SND) - formerly S-NPP NDE Granule Data (NDE_L2)
JPSS VIIRS Products (Granule)(JPSS_GRAN)  - NEW!
JPSS VIIRS Products (Non-Granule)(JPSS_NGRN) - formerly S-NPP NDE Daily (NDE_DAILY)
JPSS Tropical Cyclone Products (JPSS_TC) - formerly S-NPP NDE Microwave Tropical Cyclone (NDE_TC)
JPSS Ozone Products (JPSS_OZONE) - created earlier this year


Users are encouraged to check the product and algorithm maturity levels throughout the history of the product at the STAR JPSS Algorithm Maturity Matrix website at


Many of these products are online in daily TAR files for the most recent 90 days at


For documents and other information please go to the STAR Science Documents website at which includes JPSS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBD), Users Guides, Cal/Val plans, and much more. If you have any questions please submit an email to

Published:   2017-09-27 18:49:13

Attention Satellite Users! (07/10/2017):

The GOES-R Peer Stakeholder - Product Validation Review for ABI L1b and CMI Provisional Maturity was held on June 1, 2017. As a result of this review, NOAA has confirmed that the ABI L1b and CMI data are at Provisional Validation Maturity as of June 1, 2017 (see Readme for details). This means that these products can be publicly accessed within the CLASS data family, GOES-R Series ABI Products (GRABIPRD).

While the GOES-16 ABI L1b and CMI data have reached provisional validation, please keep in mind that since GOES-16 satellite has not been declared operational, its data are still considered preliminary and undergoing testing.

Categories:   NOAA, NES
Published:   2017-07-10 12:32:16

VIIRS Active Fires Product (06/21/2017):
VIIRS Active Fires EDR/ARP (AVAFO) from the Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) is no longer archived as of 2017-06-28. Users should use the higher quality, replacement product, JPSS Active Fires (AF), which began on 2016-03-15 and is available from the CLASS data family S-NPP Data Exploitation Granule (NDE_L2).
Published:   2017-06-21 00:00:00

Save the Date! (updated 06/12/2017):
The NOAA Satellite Conference 2017 is just days away! However, there's still time to register! The conference will be held at the City College of New York, CUNY from July 17 - 20, 2017.

Visit the NSC Conference Website at for details.
Published:   2017-06-12 19:00:00

Save the Date! (04/24/2017):
We are pleased to announce that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite Conference for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS users will take place from July 17-20, 2017 in New York, New York.

Visit the NSC 2017 website for more details about how to register and submit a poster abstract. We will be updating the site regularly as we finalize the conference logistics, agenda, registration, and hotel information. Please also take a moment to fill out our pre-conference survey.
Published:   2017-04-24 14:00:00

S-NPP Data Products now correct over the Southern Hemisphere (04/12/17):

Update #1: This issue has been fixed with the IDPS (Build Mx2.0.1). Transition to Operations (TTO) occurred on April 10, 2017.

Topic: S-NPP Data Products Incorrect over the Southern Hemisphere

  • Date/Time Issued: April 12, 2017 1600 Z
  • Product(s) or Data Impacted: IDPS VIIRS products and NDE NUCAPS, VPW, VHP products
  • Date/Time of Initial Impact: Wednesday, March 8, 2017 1500Z
  • Date/Time of End: Monday, April 10, 2017 1600Z
  • Details/Specifics of Change: IDPS VIIRS Moderate products and NDE downstream NUCAPS, VPW, VHP products are impacted due to incorrect S-NPP VIIRS Cloud Mask over the Southern Hemisphere.

  • More details are found here:

    Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at at 301-817-3880

    Published:   2017-03-27 00:00:00

    Suomi NPP data access status (updated 01/11/17):
    The majority of S-NPP products are available for ordering through CLASS website. These products are grouped under JPSS and S-NPP on the drop down product list. It is important to note the product/algorithm maturity levels from beginning dates to current dates by visiting the STAR JPSS Algorithm Maturity website at

    For further assistance please check out the STAR Science Documents website for JPSS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBD), Users Guides, Cal/Val plans, and much more. If you have any questions please email the CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2017-01-10 14:00:00

    Celebrating 5 Year Anniversary for Suomi NPP (10/28/16):
    Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) is celebrating its 5 year anniversary from launch on 10/28/2011. We'd like to congratulate the Joint Polar Satellite System (JPSS) program for a successful satellite launch and the continued orbit and data transmission back to earth. We would also like to congratulate the NOAA JPSS ground system for tracking, receiving and transmitting the data to CLASS for archival and access. To date, the CLASS has archived 5.64 Petabytes of S-NPP data with more than 18 Petabytes of data delivered to its user community. Congratulations to all!
    Published:   2016-10-27 19:03:27

    Attention Users of NESDIS Legacy SST and Aerosol Products(updated 06/07/16):

    The following NESDIS legacy SST products (also known as MUT SST products) were produced from a software application developed in 1978. Science maintenance for these products has ceased. These products, with the exception of some of the aerosol products, have corresponding higher quality replacement products available from NESDIS.

    The products discontinued by NESDIS and their replacement (alternative) products are listed below:

    1. Aerosol Optical Thickness (100 KM) (AERO100) - Replacement or alternative product: Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System (NAAPS) provided at
    2. Sea Surface Temperature (14 KM North America) (SST14NA) - Replacement or alternative product: Geo-Polar 5km Global Nighttime-only Blended SST under the GOESSST search page
    3. Sea Surface Temperature (100 KM Global) (SST100) - Replacement or alternative product: Geo-Polar 5km Global Blended SST under the GOESSST search page
    4. Sea Surface Temperature (50 KM) (SST50) - Replacement or alternative product: Geo-Polar 5km Global Blended SST under the GOESSST search page

    Categories:   NOAA, NES
    Published:   2016-05-18 14:42:22

    Suomi NPP data access status (updated 02/25/16):
    The majority of S-NPP products are available for ordering through CLASS. For those datasets available for public access the begin dates are indicated next to the product names under the many JPSS search pages. A complete table of SNPP products showing product maturity level date ranges has recently been added to the CLASS FAQ under the NPP FAQ section. Also, links to the Readme files have been moved from the CLASS front page to this table located at the following URL:

    For further assistance please check out the STAR Science Documents website for JPSS Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBD), Users Guides, Cal/Val plans, and much more. If you have any questions please email the CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2016-02-25 16:30:00

    Attention Ocean Color User Community (09/29/15):
    The operational chlorophyll frontal products generated by the Office of Satellite and Product Operations (OSPO) Okeanos operational production system are now flowing into CLASS with backlogged data going back to August 1, 2015. The archived products include granule chlorophyll gradient magnitude and direction and merged chlorophyll gradient magnitude for over 9 CoastWatch regions (refer to The historical data can be ordered by searching ’Ocean Color Frontal Products (OC_Frontal)’.
    Published:   2015-09-30 11:00:00

    Attention (09/29/15):
    The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies is hosting a GOES Animation Contest in celebration of GOES’ 40th birthday. The GOES series has been in operation since October 16, 1975, producing over 3,000,000 images. GOES satellite images can be ordered from CLASS under the "GOES Satellite Data - Imager" data family. The submission deadline is October 12. For details please go to
    Published:   2015-09-29 14:00:00

    Attention S-NPP Users! (07/13/15):
    NESDIS S-NPP Data Exploitation (NDE) Level 2 and Level 3 Products are now available for the most recent 90 days at These products are tarred and gzip compressed for easier access. The products include NOAA-Unique CrIS-ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) Cloud-Cleared Radiances (CCRs) and Environmental Data Records (EDRs) and daily Level 3 NH/SH Polar Winds and Green Vegetation Fraction (GVF) products.
    Published:   2015-07-13 15:30:00

    New tutorial on how to search and order data in CLASS! (04/27/15):
    A tutorial for searching and ordering data through CLASS can be found here: CLASS Data Access Tutorial. The tutorial gives a step by step screen capture views of the searching and ordering process from registering with CLASS to checking on the status of your order. It also covers the various levels of access services offered from CLASS at this time. If you have any questions please email the CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2015-04-27 13:45:00

    Notice - New JPSS Official Ancillary Data Product Available (04/24/14):
    The NOAA Global Multi-sensor Automated Snow/Ice (GMASI), NH and SH product is available for ordering from the JPSS NP_ODAD data Family. The ingest of the supporting data for the VIIRS snow/ice products began on March 9, 2015. There are two files daily each for the NH and SH.
    Categories:   NOAA, NES
    Published:   2015-04-14 14:20:59

    Join us at the 2015 NOAA Satellite Conference! (2/5/15)::
    The conference will be held at Greenbelt Marriott Hotel in Greenbelt, Maryland, April 27 - May 1, 2015. For more information and registration please go to
    Published:   2015-02-05 14:00:00

    Attention CLASS Users (01/29/15):
    CLASS is planning to conduct maintenance at all three sites Tuesday, February 3, 2015, from 1200 to 2000 UTC (7:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST). During the maintenance period all web services will be off-line. However, you can still retrieve your data from the ftp servers. Once maintenance has been completed, CLASS will be available for normal operations. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2015-01-29 19:45:00

    Attention CLASS Users (12/11/14):
    CLASS is planning to do maintenance at all three sites this coming Tuesday, December 16, 2014, from 1200 to 2000 UTC (7:00 AM - 3:00 PM EST). During the maintenance period all web services will be off-line. However, you can still retrieve your data from the ftp servers. Once maintenance has been completed, CLASS will be available for normal operations. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-12-11 18:00:00

    Suomi NPP CrIS Full Spectrum announcement (12/04/14):
    On December 4, 2014, at approximately 1509 UTC, the CrIS Instrument transitioned to full spectrum mode. Full length Interferograms for the Mid-Wave and Short-Wave IR channels are now being collected. All Stored Mission Data products, SDRs and higher level products are expected to remain unchanged.
    Published:   2014-12-04 14:30:00

    The 2015 NOAA Satellite Conference Registration is now open! (11/17/14):
    Attendee and Exhibitor Registration and Call for Poster Abstracts are now open! The conference will be held at Greenbelt Marriott Hotel in Greenbelt, Maryland, April 27 - May 1, 2015. For more information and registration please go to
    Published:   2014-11-17 14:30:00

    Attention CLASS Users! (10/23/14):
    ESPC, the CLASS data provider for much of the data coming to CLASS, is currently undergoing unexpected maintenance. This event started on 10/20/14 at 2200 UTC and ESPC is in process of restoring connectivity. As soon as new information becomes available, the CLASS home page will be updated appropriately. Please note that the S-NPP data is unaffected by this outage. If you have any questions please contact the CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-10-23 20:45:00

    Attention CLASS Users! (10/22/14):
    ESPC, the CLASS data provider for much of the data coming to CLASS, is currently undergoing unexpected maintenance. This event started on 10/20/14 at 2200 UTC and there is currently no established date for return of service. As soon as new information becomes available, the CLASS home page will be updated appropriately. Please note that the S-NPP data is unaffected by this outage. If you have any questions please contact the CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-10-22 13:40:00

    Attention S-NPP Users (10/14/14):
    On October 15, 2014, CLASS has implemented changes to the S-NPP Search Pages. The Instrument level searches are now basically divided into three processing levels, i.e. RDR, SDR and EDR. The VIIRS EDRs data family are further split between the environmental products, intermediate products, and imagery bands.

    There are several reasons for doing so.

    1) This will enhance discovery and access for users searching within data discovery catalogs allowing users to find S-NPP products in a more logical format. We found that the majority of ad hoc orders and subscription orders (>70%) is unique to datatypes within a specific processing level.
    2) It will give CLASS greater flexibility to configure access for large orders, since file volumes vary greatly from one processing level to another.
    3) It addresses the issue of null results on RDR node searches.

    Unfortunately, the split of the S-NPP instrument level data families into instrument-processing level data families will change Subscription IDs since these are based on the original CLASS S-NPP Data Families. Please send an email to CLASS Help Desk to receive further information if you did not receive email notification

    We appreciate your support as we attempt to improve data discovery and access and if you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-10-14 15:00:00

    Attention CriMMS Users (09/08/2014):
    Per NOAA JPSS Program office directive (dated 8-28-2013), the Interface Data Processing Segment (IDPS) has stopped producing the Cross-track Infrared and Microwave Sounder Suite of products as of September 8, 2014. The replacement product is the NOAA Unique CrIS/ATMS Processing System (NUCAPS) EDRs and can be ordered from CLASS under the data family S-NPP Data Exploitation Granule Data (NDE_L2). If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-09-08 19:32:00

    Update#2: Attention CLASS Users (09/02/14):
    The backlog of ad hoc and subscription orders are near normal, with the exception of S-NPP ad hoc orders which is estimated to last through Wednesday, September 3. We advise that you refrain from re-ordering the same files which only adds to the backlog. We appreciate your continued patience while we get caught up. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-09-02 18:50:00

    Update#3: Attention CLASS Users (09/04/14):
    The backlog of S-NPP ad hoc orders and some subscription orders should return to normal by September 5. Please refrain from re-ordering the same files which will only add to the backlog. We appreciate your continued patience while we get caught up. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-09-02 18:50:00

    Update! Attention CLASS Users (08/29/14):
    Since August 22, 2014, CLASS had been having issues replicating data from its providers to the distribution nodes in Asheville, NC, and Boulder, CO. It appears that the issues have been resolved and CLASS is returning to nominal operating conditions. We expect the backlog of subscription and ad hoc orders to be caught up by September 1. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-08-29 20:40:00

    Attention CLASS Users (08/25/14):
    Since August 22, 2014, CLASS has been having issues replicating data from its providers to the distribution nodes in Asheville, NC, and Boulder, CO. This has impacted timely delivery of subscription orders and many ad hoc orders for up to three days. CLASS is working closely with the vendor to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-08-25 20:00:00

    Save the Date! April 27 - May 1, 2015: NOAA Satellite Conference:
    We are pleased to announce the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Satellite Conference (NSC 2015) for Direct Readout, GOES/POES, and GOES-R/JPSS Users, which is being planned for April 27 - May 1, 2015 in Greenbelt, Maryland. The spotlight theme is "Preparing for the Future of Environmental Satellites." For more information and registration please go to
    Published:   2014-08-21 17:40:00

    Attention S-NPP Users (08/05/14):
    Beginning on August 11-14, 2014, CLASS started receiving the majority of S-NPP data in gzip compressed format from JPSS for ATMS, CRIS, CRIMMS, OMPS and VIIRS. All other data types will remain uncompressed. Please see the Notes section of a particular product to read additional details on the compression. The file names will remain the same. Other than the file size being smaller, users do not need to make any changes to their software to use the data. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-08-05 13:30:00

    Attention CLASS Users (07/15/14):
    CLASS will be off-line for maintenance on Thursday, July 17, from 1230 to 1900 UTC. CLASS subscriptions will be paused and the web sites will be off-line. However, access to your completed orders will remain available on the CLASS ftp servers during maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to minimize the downtime. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-07-15 09:50:00

    Attention CLASS Users (07/11/14):
    CLASS will be off-line for maintenance on Monday, July 14, from 1230 to 1900 UTC. CLASS subscriptions will be paused and the web sites will be off-line. However, access to your completed orders will remain available on the CLASS ftp servers during maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try to minimize the downtime. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-07-11 10:50:00

    Attention CLASS Users (06/23/14):
    CLASS will be off-line for maintenance Wednesday, 6/25/14 from 1300 - 1800 UTC for an upgrade. CLASS subscriptions will be paused and the web sites will be off-line. CLASS orders may be downloaded from the ftp areas. We apologize for the inconvenience and will try and minimize the downtime. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-06-23 17:00:00

    Attention All CLASS users (06/23/14):
    Recently, you may have heard about a new internet security weakness, known as Heartbleed, which is impacting some websites. There is no indication that Heartbleed has been used against or that any personal information has ever been at risk. However, we are asking users to change their current password out of an abundance of caution to ensure the protection of your information.
    Published:   2014-06-23 16:59:00

    Attention CORS users (06/23/14):
    Starting January 1, 2014, the National Geodetic Survey's CORS data archived at CLASS now includes GPS+GLONASS data for stations with GNSS-capable equipment. The GLONASS broadcast navigation file (BRDC) is also available for users at the same starting date. (GLO navigation file name example: brdc1680.14g.gz)

    CORS data collections include RINEX since 1994 and raw GPS from selected CORS sites since 2004. The original at-sampling rate was retained except where there was only the 30-second decimated rate data. For more info see the CORS CLASS search page.
    Published:   2014-06-23 16:58:00

    NOAA-16 retires after more than 13 years of service (06/12/14):
    NOAA-16 was decommissioned on June 9, 2014 at 14:23 UTC after it suddenly stopped sending data to Earth early on June 6. NOAA-16 had an exceptionally long run after it was launched in 2000 with a planned lifespan of 3 to 5 years. It was replaced by NOAA-18 in 2005 as the primary satellite. During its lifetime, NOAA-16 produced almost 400,000 orbital files totaling well over 13 TB of data.
    Published:   2014-06-12 15:26:43

    Attention NOAA-16 Users (06/10/14):
    NOAA-16 was decommissioned on June 9, 2014 at 14:23 UTC due to major spacecraft anomaly. The last fully successful contact of NOAA-16 was on 6 June at 00:55UTC (5 June at 8:55 p.m. EDT) at the Wallops Command and Data Acquisition (WCDA) station on REV 70655. The last reported HRPT was at 04:32 UTC. Please be advised your subscriptions for NOAA-16 data will stop. The data will no longer be streamed to CLASS for ingest and NOAA-16 subscriptions will stop.
    Published:   2014-06-10 17:19:44

    Attention CLASS Non SNPP Users:
    All data but Suomi NPP orders will be delayed during the scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, May 13, 2014, from 1400 UTC to 2200 UTC. The ftp download site will be available to access non SNPP data already processed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    Published:   2014-05-08 19:22:21

    Attention CLASS Users:
    Suomi NPP orders will be delayed during the scheduled maintenance on Thursday, May 8, 2014, from 1200 UTC to 2000 UTC. The ftp download site will be available to access SNPP data already processed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
    Published:   2014-05-06 15:16:26

    Attention CLASS USERS:
    Please note: Processing and dissemination of S-NPP data from ad hoc orders will be paused due to planned maintenance on Thursday, April 24, 2014, from 1000 to 1700 UTC. There will be no access to during this time.
    Published:   2014-04-23 13:37:06

    CLASS NGDC will be conducting maintenance from 2/19/2014 1600 UTC to 2/20/2014 0000 UTC. During this time CLASS will not be able to process any orders. This maintanance will not affect delivery schedule of Suomi NPP datasets since it is being serviced from CLASS NCDC. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-02-18 18:53:06


        Readme for released S-NPP CrIMSS EDR data (Posted 2/13/14)
    Published:   2014-02-13 19:30:00


        Readme for released S-NPP OMPS Nadir Ozone Profile data (Posted 2/13/14)
        Readme for released S-NPP OMPS Ozone Total Column EDR and OMPS Nadir Total Column Ozone First Guess (Posted 8/20/14)
        Readme for released S-NPP OMPS SDR data (Posted 12/16/13)
    Published:   2014-02-13 19:30:00


        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Active Fires ARP data (2/13/14)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) EDR data
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Cloud Mask IP data (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Cloud Products Status Report (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Ice Concentration IP
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Ice Surface Temperature EDR (2/13/14)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Land Surface Temperature EDR (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Near Constant Contrast (NCC) EDR Ground Track Mercator (GTM) Geolocation and VIIRS Near Constant Contrast Imagery EDR (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Non-NCC Imagery EDR data (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Ocean Color/Chlorophyll EDR
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS SDR data (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Sea Ice Characterization EDR (2/13/14)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Sea Surface Temperature EDR (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Snow Cover EDR Products (2/13/14)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Surface Reflectance (1/6/15)
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Surface Type EDR
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Suspended Matter EDR
        Readme for released S-NPP VIIRS Veg Index EDR
    Published:   2014-02-13 19:30:00

    Attention CLASS USERS:
    CLASS NGDC and will be off-line for maintenance starting 1/25/2014 0000 UTC and possibly lasting until 1/26/2014 0400 UTC. However, you can place orders under If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-01-23 19:22:06

    Due to maintenance work at CLASS NCDC ( certain NESDIS products will not be available for several weeks. However, these products are available through or . Products affected are Aerosol 100 KM Global, SST 100 KM Global, SST 50 KM Global, SST 14 km Regional, AVHRR PathFinder, and the EDRMAP datasets. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2014-01-21 22:20:06

    Attention Suomi NPP Users:
    The most recent global NPP operational products are now available in daily tar files for quick and easy downloads at: Please see the NPP help page for instructions. Up to the most recent 85 days of data will be available for direct online access.
    Published:   2014-01-13 16:41:02

    Suomi NPP data access status (11/25/14):
    The majority of S-NPP products are now available and can be ordered through CLASS. The ones available to the public will show the begin dates after the product name on the search page. Also, a "quick look" of which products are at which maturity stages can be easily viewed at the STAR Algorithm Product Maturity Matrix website. Details of high priority issues related to the data quality are contained in the Readme files provided by the S-NPP Project Scientist. Many of these have recently been updated. Please read these before ordering and using the data.
    Published:   2013-12-16 19:45:01


        Readme for released S-NPP CrIS SDR data (1/6/15)
    Published:   2013-12-16 19:45:01

    Attention SST users:
    Under the product listing "GOESSST", the data type "Blended SST 11-km Daily Products" has been retired on October 21, 2013. Please use the Blended SST 5-km Daily and Night Products from there on.
    Published:   2013-10-22 10:30:00

    Attention CLASS users:
    During the US government shutdown 10/1/13-10/17/13, CLASS continued to ingest and archive data from all data providers. This data is available for ordering from the CLASS web site. The site was updated daily and can be used for downloading NPP data. Please see the NPP help page for instructions. Please submit questions to CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2013-10-18 09:00:00

    Attention CLASS users:
    On September 19, 2013, one of the CLASS sites has changed an IP address for from to If you have firewall rules including this IP address, please update them accordingly. If you have questions, please contact
    Published:   2013-09-20 09:00:00

    CLASS will be unavailable 9/24/2013 from 1300-1900 UTC (9AM-3PM EDT):
    On September 24, 2013, from 1300-1900 UTC (9AM-3PM EDT) CLASS will be conducting a system-wide maintenance, which will require all CLASS web services and subscription services to be off-line during the planned 6 hour maintenance window. However, ftp access to completed orders will still be available to users. If you have any questions, please contact CLASS Help Desk
    Published:   2013-09-17 18:59:41

    Attention CORS users (07/2013):
    The National Geodetic Survey's CORS data archived at the National Geophysical Data Center has been transitioned into CLASS. The data collections include RINEX since 1994 and raw GPS from selected CORS sites since 2004. The original at-sampling rate was retained except where there was only the 30-second decimated rate data. For more info see the CORS CLASS search page.
    Published:   2013-07-23 15:03:25


        Readme for released S-NPP ATMS SDR data (1/6/15)
    Published:   2013-03-28 19:30:00

        The most recent global NPP operational products are now available in daily tar files for quick and easy downloads at:
    Published:   2013-03-28 19:30:00

    Attention Metop users (08/14/2013):
    With the exception of GOME Level 2 data, all Metop-B level 1b and 1c satellite data is now available beginning January 15, 2013 (IASI L1c starts on May 16, 2013). Pre-operational data collected prior to those dates remains restricted. Please contact the CLASS Help Desk if assistance is needed.

    Metop-A Outgoing Longwave Radiation dataset is now available since July 31, 2013.
    Published:   2013-01-15 13:38:41

    Attention CLASS USERS:
    CLASS will upgrade its system to version 6.0 on July 10, from 1400 UTC - 1800 UTC. During this time CLASS web sites and ftp delivery areas will not be available and orders will not be processed.
    Published:   2012-07-03 14:55:00

    Tutorial for ordering Suomi NPP data in CLASS:
    A tutorial for ordering data through CLASS can be found at Data Access. The tutorial references Suomi NPP data but is applicable to all data types. If you have any questions please email CLASS Help Desk.
    Published:   2012-05-05 07:17:16