CoastWatch, Great Lakes Regional Node

Data Usage Guidance/Restrictions

The operational data for this datatype is available to all registered CLASS users. Pre-operational data may
be restricted to authorized users. To become an authorized user, send a request to the CLASS Help Desk.

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Dataset Name

The name of the CoastWatch data set archived at CLASS. There are two different naming formats used for
these files:

  • CoastWatch-RegionYearDayStart-Time.CoastWatch-SubregionProduct-Type with each qualifier
    defined below:
Qualifier Details
CoastWatch-Region One character identifying the CoastWatch Region to which this data applies.
Valid character is:
g = Great lakes
Year Last two digits of the year (99 = 1999, 00 = 2000), which identifies the year
in which the spacecraft began recording the data set.
Day Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the
spacecraft began recording the data set.
Start-time e.g. 13, where "13" denotes 13 hours UTC (to the nearest hour) and
represents the time at which spacecraft recording began.
CoastWatch-Subregion One character identifying sub-regions within the CoastWatch region to which
data pertains. Valid sub-region characters are:
l = Entire 5 lake region synoptic
s = Superior and northern Michigan high resolution
m = Michigan and Huron high resolution
e = Erie and Ontario high resolution
r = Full Regional Panel
Product-type Two characters identifying codes for the types of products. Valid character
groups are:
bm = daytime/nighttime multiple sea-surface-temperature algorithm
c1 = AVHRR channel 1 albedo (%)
c2 = AVHRR channel 2 albedo (%)
c3 = AVHRR channel 3 brightness temperature (deg C)
c4 = AVHRR channel 4 brightness temperature (deg C)
c5 = AVHRR channel 5 brightness temperature (deg C)
cm = cloud mask
d1 = daytime split-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
d4 = daytime split-window cross product sea-surface-temperature(c4 and c5)
d5 = daytime dual-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c3 and c4)
d6 = daytime triple-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
d7 = daytime split-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
s1 = nighttime split-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
s3 = nighttime triple-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
s7 = nighttime split-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
s9 = nighttime triple-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
sz = Satellite zenith angle (degrees)
za = Solar zenith angle (degrees)
  • Year_Day_Start-Time_Spacecraft-Unique-ID_CoastWatch-RegionCoastWatchSubregion_Product-
    Type. File-Format with each qualifier defined below:
Qualifier Details
Year Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the
spacecraft began recording the data set.

Day of the year [001-366], which identifies the Julian day on which the
spacecraft began recording the data set.

Start-Time e.g. 1355, where "1355" denotes 13 hours 55 minutes UTC (to the nearest
minute) and represents the time at which spacecraft recording began.
Spacecraft-Unique-ID n15 = NOAA-15 (NOAA-K)
n16 = NOAA-16 (NOAA-L)
n17 = NOAA-17 (NOAA-M)
CoastWatch-Region One character identifying CoastWatch Region to which this data applies. Valid
characters is:
g=Great Lakes
CoastWatch-Subregion One or two characters identifying sub-regions within the CoastWatch region to
which the data pertains. Valid sub-region characters are:
l = Entire 5 lake region synoptic
s = Superior and northern Michigan high resolution
m = Michigan and Huron high resolution
e = Erie and Ontario high resolution
r = Full Regional Panel
Product-Type Two characters identifying codes for the types of products. Valid character
groups are:
bm = daytime/nighttime multiple sea-surface-temperature algorithm
c1 = AVHRR channel 1 albedo (%)
c2 = AVHRR channel 2 albedo (%)
c3 = AVHRR channel 3 brightness temperature (deg C)
c4 = AVHRR channel 4 brightness temperature (deg C)
c5 = AVHRR channel 5 brightness temperature (deg C)
cm = cloud mask
d1 = daytime split-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
d4 = daytime split-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
d5 = daytime dual-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c3 and c4)
d6 = daytime triple-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
d7 = daytime split-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
s1 = nighttime split-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
s3 = nighttime triple-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
s7 = nighttime split-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
s9 = nighttime triple-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
sz = Satellite zenith angle (degrees)
za = Solar zenith angle (degrees)
File-Format cwf ( denotes CoastWatch Format)

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Dataset Size

The size of the file to be delivered to the user in bytes.

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Data Source

Code internal to CLASS for the source of CoastWatch regional input data.

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Inventory ID

A unique numerical ID assigned to the data set for CLASS inventory purposes.

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The datatypes or products available for the CoastWatch Great Lakes node are:

BM = daytime/nighttime multiple sea-surface-temperature algorithm
C1 = AVHRR channel 1 albedo (%)
C2 = AVHRR channel 2 albedo (%)
C3 = AVHRR channel 3 brightness temperature (deg C)
C4 = AVHRR channel 4 brightness temperature (deg C)
C5 = AVHRR channel 5 brightness temperature (deg C)
CM = cloud mask
D1 = daytime split-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
D4 = daytime split-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
D5 = daytime dual-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c3 and c4)
D6 = daytime triple-window cross product sea-surface-temperature (c3, c4, c5)
D7 = daytime split-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature (c4 and c5)
S1 = nighttime split-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature
S3 = nighttime triple-window multi-channel sea-surface-temperature
S7 = nighttime split-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature
S9 = nighttime triple-window non-linear sea-surface-temperature
SZ = Satellite zenith angle (degrees)
ZA = Solar zenith angle (degrees)

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Identifies the five character CoastWatch region that the data is mapped to. Valid regions are:

Five Letter Code CoastWatch Region
CWGRL CoastWatch Region Great Lakes

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The satellite that acquired the CoastWatch data.

N15 NK NOAA-15
N16 NL NOAA-16
N17 NM NOAA-17
N18 NN NOAA-18

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Valid CoastWatch subregions are:

GL = Entire 5 lake region synoptic
GS = Superior and northern Michigan high resolution
GM = Michigan and Huron high resolution
GE = Erie and Ontario high resolution
GR = Full Regional Panel

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Refers to the time span of interest to the user. This section of the search page allows the user to define the
range of dates/times of interest.

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The UTC date and time corresponding to the beginning of the coverage of the given dataset. Format is
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff where fff is the fraction of a second in milliseconds.

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Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the international time standard. It is the current term for what was
referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which
lies on the zero longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24 hour clock, therefore, afternoon hours
such as 4 pm UTC are expressed as 16:00 UTC (sixteen hours, zero minutes).

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