Order Query Terms

Dataset Name

The name of the data set corresponding to the given line item.


The process of transfering completed order from CLASS onto your computer. For example, a download can be initiated by clicking on a link provided in the Download column of the Order Query page.

Line Item

The unique ID assigned to each entity within an order placed with CLASS. This ID corresponds to the line item ID given in the order verification and notification messages. Note that the order line item ID may appear as blank in the table if the order has just been submitted. This is because the line item ID has not yet been assigned. Assuming it has been assigned, you may click on the ID to view details about this line item.

Order Number

The unique ID assigned to the order by CLASS. This ID corresponds to the order ID given in the order verification and notification messages.


The current status of the given line item. The possible status codes are as follows:

Status Description
Not Started Processing of your item has not yet started
In Progress Processing of your item is in progress
Retrieving The data for your item is being retrieved
Packing Ready The data for your item is being packaged for sending
Push Ready Your item is ready to move to the server
Pushing Your item is being "pushed" to the server
Pull Ready Your item is ready to be pulled
Failed The retrieval of your item failed
Failed Verified Failure of the retrieval of your item has been verified
Canceled Processing of your item has been canceled
Hold Processing of your item has been placed on hold
Expired The 72 hour retrieval time indicated in your data available message has expired
Delivered Your line item has been delivered


Time of Last Activity

The UTC date and time corresponding to the last change of status for the given line item. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f where f is the fraction of a second in tenths.

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