Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Spectral Radiometer Version 2 (SBUV/2)

Data Usage Guidance/Restrictions

The operational data for this datatype is available to all registered CLASS users. Pre-operational data may be restricted to authorized users. To become an authorized user, send a request to the CLASS Help Desk.

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Dataset Name

The name of the SBUV data set archived at CLASS as below:

1. SBUV/2 1B: OZONE.Sensor.Year-Month-Start-Time.Data-Type.Spacecraft-Unique-ID with each qualifier defined below:




Five character fixed parameter denoting the type of data


Four character field showing the instrument from which the data is generated. The valid value is: SBUV (Solar Backscattered Ultraviolet Radiometer).


Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data set and month of the year [01-12], which identifies the month for which data was created.


A fixed field of four characters with value of OP1B denoting operational level 1b file.


N16 = NOAA-16 (NOAA-L)
N17 = NOAA-17 (NOAA-M)
N18 = NOAA-18 (NOAA-N)

2. SBUV/2 PMF: OZONE.Sensor.Year-Month-Start-Time.Spacecraft-Unique-ID-Version.Operational-Status.File-Format with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details
Ozone Five character fixed parameter denoting the type of data
Sensor Four character field showing the instrument from which the data is generated. The valid value is: SBUV (Solar Backscattered Ultraviolet Radiometer).

Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data set and month of the year [01-12], which identifies the month for which data was created.

Spacecraft-Unique-ID-Version Five character field with first three showing the satellite from which data was recorded and last two indicating the algorithm version number of the dataset. The valid satellites are:

N16 = NOAA-16 (NOAA-L)
N17 = NOAA-17 (NOAA-M)
N18 = NOAA-18 (NOAA-N)

The valid version number is V6
Operational-Status The fixed four character field with the value of "OPER" showing that the file is operational.
File-Format A fixed field of three characters with the value "TAR" denoting the tarred format of the file

3. SBUV/2 PMF Historic: OZONE.Sensor.Year-Month-Start-Time.Spacecraft-Unique-ID-Version.File-Format with each qualifier defined below:

Qualifier Details
Ozone Five character fixed parameter denoting the type of data
Sensor Four character field showing the instrument from which the data is generated. The valid value is: SBUV (Solar Backscattered Ultrviolet Radiometer)
Year-Month-Start-Time Full year with century, e.g., 2005, which identifies the year in which the spacecraft began recording the data set and month of the year [01-12], which identifies the month for which data was created.


The data types available for SBUV are:

SBUV/2 monthly 1B file (SBUV1B): The 1b Capture Data Set contains (1) all SBUV/2 sensor data and support data necessary for the derivation of atmospheric ozone and solar flux; (2) instrument in-flight calibration data and housekeeping functions for monitoring post-launch instrument changes; and (3) pre-launch calibration factors, and computed current-day instrument calibration and albedo correction factors to adjust the ozone algorithm for actual instrument performance.

SBUV/2 monthly Product Master File (SBUVPMF): The Product Master File (PMF) contains the ozone information derived by the ozone algorithm, located in space and time, other meteorological information developed in support of ozone computation, parameters indicating the validity of the individual ozone retrievals and the radiance information derived from the SBUV/2 measurements.

SBUV/2 daily Product Master File (SBUVPMFD): The product Master File (PMF) contains the ozone information derived by the ozone algorithm, located in space and time, othe meteorological information developed in support of ozone computation, parameters indicating the validity of the individual ozone retrievals and the radiance information derived from the SBUV/2 measurements.

Inventory ID

A unique numerical ID assigned to the data set for CLASS inventory purposes.


The satellite that acquired the SBUV/2 data:

N09 NF NOAA-09
N11 NH NOAA-11
N14 NJ NOAA-14
N16 NL NOAA-16
N17 NM NOAA-17
N18 NN NOAA-18


The size of the file to be delivered to the user in bytes.

Start Time

The UTC date corresponding to the beginning of the coverage of the given dataset. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss:fff where fff is the fraction of a second in milliseconds.


Refers to the time span of interest to the user. This section of the search page allows the user to define the range of dates/times of interest.

Coverage for SBUV1B:

Satellite Start Date End Date
N09 1985-01-01 1998-02-01
N11 1988-12-01 2003-05-01
N14 1995-01-01 Present
N16 2000-10-01 Present
N17 2002-07-01 Present
N18 2005-06-01 Prese

 Coverage for SBUVPMF:

Satellite Start Date End Date
N09 1955-03-01 1997-12-01
N11 1989-01-01 2001-03-01
N14 1996-01-01 2006-01-01
N16 2001-03-01 Present
N17 2002-09-01 Present
N18 2005-12-01 Present


Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the international time standard. It is the current term for what was referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on the zero longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24 hour clock, therefore, afternoon hours such as 4 pm UTC are expressed as 16:00 UTC (sixteen hours, zero minutes).

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