GCOM-W1Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR2) RDR and TLE (GW1A2RTLE)

Collection Short Name

The reference name of the collection of data sets.

Dataset name

AMSR2/GCOM-W1 RDR File Naming Convention:
<Data Product ID>_<Spacecraft ID>_<Data Start Date>_<Data Start Time>_<Data Stop Time>_<Orbit Number>_<Creation Date>_<Origin>_<Origin Domain>.<Extension>
RAM2S-RWSCA_GW1 _d20030311_t1400000_e1430000_b12345_c20030311153000000000_noaa_ops.h5

TLE Auxiliary/Mission Notices File Naming Convention:
<Collection Short Name>_<Spacecraft ID>_<Production Timestamp>_<Effectivity Start>_<Effectivity Stop>_<Version Number>_<Origin>_<Origin Domain>_<Destination>_<Destination Domain>.<Extension>
GCOM-Nom-TLE-AUX _gw1_20100305131533Z_20100306140000Z_ee20100307140002Z_1000323_ksat_ops_noaa_ops.xml



Collection Short Name

The reference name of the collection of data sets. Domain: “GCOM-NOM-TLE-AUX”, “GCOM-OFF-NOM-TLE-AUX”, “GCOM-TLE-CONT-AUX”, “MISSION-NOTICE-AUX”

Data Product ID

Unique product type identifier. Domain: “RAM2S-RWSCA”, “RAM2T”, “RWSCA”, “RWSCT”

Spacecraft ID

Unique satellite / spacecraft identifier. Domain: “GW1”

Production Timestamp

The date/time at which the AUX data file was created, suffixed with a “Z.” Domain: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ

Data Start Date

Start date of the observation, prefixed with a “d.” Domain: dYYYYMMDD

Data Start Time

Start time of the observation in UTC, prefixed with a “t.” Domain: tHHMMSS

Data Stop Time

Stop time of the observation in UTC, prefixed with an “e.” Domain: eHHMMSS

Effectivity Start

The date/time of the start of the useful temporal range of the data in UTC, suffixed with a “Z.” Domain: YYYYMMDDHHSSMMZ

Effectivity Stop

Effectivity stop date/time in UTC, prefixed with “ee” and suffixed with a “Z.” Domain: eeYYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ

Version Number

Two-digit representation of the version number. Domain: nn

Orbit Number

Five-digit orbit number of the observation, prefixed with a “b.” Domain: b00000

Creation Date

Creation date, prefixed with a “c.” Domain: cYYYYMMDDHHMMSSSSSSSS


Refers to the identifier for the origination of the data. Domain: “noaa”

Origin Domain

Three-character identifier of the processing domain. Domain: “ops”, “int”


The identifier of the destination IDP/FT that is to use the auxiliary data. Domain: “noaa”

Destination Domain

Three-character identifier of the destination IDPS processing domain that is to use the auxiliary data. Domain: “ops”


Extension of the dataset. Domain: “h5”


Dataset Size
The size of the file to be delivered to the user in bytes.

Data Usage Guidance/Restrictions

This Datatype is currently restricted to authorized users. For guidance on how to become an authorized user, send a request to the CLASS Help Desk.



 AMSR2 Science RDR


 AMSR2 Telemetry RDR


 Spacecraft Diary RDR


 Spacecraft Telemetry RDR


 Nominal TLE Auxiliary File


 Off-Nominal TLE Auxiliary File


 Contingency TLE Auxiliary File


 Mission Notice



The identifier of the destination IDP/FT that is to use the auxiliary data.

Destination Domain

The three-character identifier of the destination IDPS processing domain that is to use the auxiliary data.

End Date/Time

The UTC date and time corresponding to the end of the coverage of the given dataset. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff where fff is the fraction of a second in milliseconds.

Ingest Date/Time

The UTC date and time that the dataset was ingested. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.

Inventory ID

A unique numerical ID assigned to the data set for CLASS inventory purposes.

Orbit Number

The number of the orbit (revolution) in which the satellite was traveling when the data was acquired.


Refers to the identifier for the origination of the data.

Origin Domain

Three-character identifier of the processing domain.

Production Timestamp

The UTC date and time corresponding to when the data file was created. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff where fff is the fraction of a second in milliseconds.


The satellite that acquired the data.

Start Date/Time

The UTC date and time corresponding to the beginning of the coverage of the given dataset. Format is yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.fff where fff is the fraction of a second in milliseconds.


Refers to the time span of interest to the user. This section of the search page allows the user to define the range of dates/times of interest.


Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is the international time standard. It is the current term for what was referred to as Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). Zero (0) hours UTC is midnight in Greenwich England, which lies on the zero longitudinal meridian. Universal time is based on a 24 hour clock, therefore, afternoon hours such as 4 pm UTC are expressed as 16:00 UTC (sixteen hours, zero minutes)

Version Number

Two-digit representation of the version number. The version number is intended for designating a particular version of an auxiliary file.